Advent lunch
Written by poff1 on . Posted in Events & Celebrations.

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Advent lunch
Advent lunch
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Thursday 28. November 2024
12:00 - 13:30
Stockenstr. 151, Kilchberg, 8802
keine Anmeldung mehr möglich
Bookings closed
A delicious lunch prepared with love – sign up and come along to the reformed parish hall in Kilchberg
The Kilchberg Women’s Association is looking forward to a cheerful get-together.
Fr. 18.50 Menu for adults (starter/main course/dessert)
Fr. 10.00 Children’s menu up to 12 years old (main course/dessert)
(Mineral water and coffee are included in the price)
Registration up to one week in advance.
frauenvereinkilchberg.ch or Ingrid O’Regan
076 236 19 14.
Registration is binding.
From 13.30h the Brocki is open opposite.
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