Autumn lunch 19.9
Written by poff1 on . Posted in Events & Celebrations.

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Autumn lunch 19.9
Autumn lunch 19.9
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Thursday 19. September 2024
12:00 - 13:30
Stockenstr. 151, Kilchberg, 8802
keine Anmeldung mehr möglich
Bookings closed
A delicious lunch prepared with love – sign up and come along to the reformed church parish hall in Kilchberg
The Kilchberg Women’s Association is looking forward to a cheerful get-together.
Fr. 18.50 Menu for adults (starter/main course/dessert)
Fr. 10.00 Children’s menu up to 12 years old (main course/dessert)
(Mineral water and coffee are included in the price)
Registration until 11.09.2024
frauenvereinkilchberg.ch or Ingrid O’Regan, ingrid_o_regan@hotmail.com or
076 236 19 14.
Registration is binding.
From 13.30h the Brocki is open opposite.
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